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Shop>Alle Produkte
12AX7FullMusic(=ECC83FM) Gold
factory selected tube set 2pcs
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 93,40 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7FullMusic (=ECC83FM) tube
High End Audio Röhre,silber P.
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 49,90 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
handsel. tube for Guitar&Bass
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:21mm
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs Gmb...

€ 32,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
handsel. tube for Guitar&Bass
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base h:57mm - d:22mm
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs Gmb...

€ 36,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7-Low Gain-tube-S4GB
handsel. Röhre für Guitar&Bass
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base
The perfect tube to lower the Gain in any 12AX7 Stage of your...

€ 32,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7-normal Gain-Highgr.-S4GB
handsel. tube for Guitar&Bass
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
The perfect 12AX7 for all guitar, bass amps a...

€ 27,40 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7-S PSVANE Art series tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Art-series High End Audio Tube, very clear and open sounding
Noval Goldplated Tube Pins

€ 37,90 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7A RSD low microphony tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

12AX7A RSD = ECC83WA-frame Grid-framegrid-tube-valve
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertrieb...

€ 29,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7B tube Shuguang Röhre
aktuelle Röhre guter Gain
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 19,40 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7B Shuguang tube 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 59,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7EHG Goldpin tube Röhre m.
guten Kontakteigenschaften
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 29,40 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7EHG Goldpin Röhren 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise tube Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 79,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7EH tube ECC83 EHX Röhre
robuste ECC83 aus Russland
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 21,75 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7EH tube ECC83EHX tube 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 59,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7FullMusic (=ECC83FM) tube
High End Audio Röhre, Gold Pin
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 41,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7G-ECC803S TungSol Goldpin
DoubleTriode tube Röhren
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 33,60 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7G TungSol Goldpin tube 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 79,20 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83Genalex 12AX7Gen.tubes 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin Goldpin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
best, neutral sounding 12AX7 from cur...

€ 109,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83GoldLion Röhre Russland
B759 12AX7Genalex Goldpin tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin Goldpin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
Noval B9A 9-Pin Goldpin tube-valve-ba...

€ 47,40 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7VKA Voskhod (RU=12AX7WA)
Röhre nicht in Produktion
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): Antiquität Hersteller geschlossen,oder unbekannt

No price specification



sold out

 Show product
12AX7LP Sovtek tube Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 23,90 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7LPS Sovtek tube Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 20,95 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7LPS tube Sovtek 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 46,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7LP Sovtek tube 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 49,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7M-7025 Shuguang tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

No price specification



on request

 Show product
12AX7Mullard (made in Russia)
for Export only DoubleTriode
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 32,00 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7NOS =ECC83NOS Röhre
=B759, CV4004 tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): Antiquität Hersteller geschlossen,oder unbekannt

No price specification



on request

 Show product
12AX7-S PSVANE Art tubes 2 pcs
Röhren factory matched tube 2x
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

High End Audio Tube, very clear and staright tube sounding
Set of 2 pcs factory selected tub...

€ 84,90 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7SED Svetlana winged =C=
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): Antiquität Hersteller geschlossen,oder unbekannt

No price specification



sold out

 Show product
12AX7S-Logo Svetlana Style
ECC83 Röhre 12AX7-C tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 27,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7Svetl.Style S-Logo 2pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 62,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7T2 PSVANE (Mark II) 2 pcs
Röhren factory matched tube 2x
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

No price specification



sold out

 Show product
12AX7T2 PSVANE tube (Mark II)
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

No price specification



sold out

 Show product
12AX7TungSol tube 12AX7TS tube
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base h:48mm - d:22mm
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs Gmb...

€ 24,40 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7Tung-Sol tube set 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 51,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WA-7025 Sovtek tube Röhre
niedrigerer Gain, ruggedized
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 18,60 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WA/7025WA Sovtek tube 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 43,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WB Sovtek tube Röhre
mittlerer Gain, ruggedized
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 23,50 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WB 7025WB Sovtek tube 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 49,95 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WC 7025WC Sovtek tube
Röhre mit höherem Gain robust
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 20,60 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7WC 7025WC Sovtek tube 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 49,90 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
5751TS tube 5751 TungSol Röhre
low Gain Röhre der 12AX7TS
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 29,75 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
6N4 tube (~12AX7) set 2x
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 49,80 / x2pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
12AX7M =7025Cn Shuguang 2 pcs
V1+low mic+lownoise Röhren Set
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

No price specification



on request

 Show product
7058 tube close to 12AX7
ähnlich ECC83 Batterieversion
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): Antiquität Hersteller geschlossen,oder unbekannt

€ 45,00 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
E83CC RSD longlife Audio tube
equiv. 6681 tube 12AX7W Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 23,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83-Dynamic-12AX7-S4A tube
handselektierte Audio Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs GmbH Kepler Strasse 6,DE-90766 Fürth - Email: info@btb-el...

€ 37,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83 Performance S4A 12AX7
handselektierte Audio Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin Goldpin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
The best performing 12AX7-ECC83 from ...

€ 59,80 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83-Premium-12AX7-S4A tube
handselektierte Audio Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertriebs Gmb...

€ 42,90 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product
ECC83-smooth-12AX7-S4A tube
handselektierte Audio Röhre
Category: Röhre ECC83-12AX7-5751-12AY7

Noval B9A 9-Pin Goldpin tube-valve-base h:56mm - d:22mm
Responsible(EU): BTB Elektronik Vertr...

€ 39,90 / pcs
includes product VAT / shipping costs extra

Delivery time: 

ca. 1 - 5 days

 Show product